For a long time, I was deceived. Years passed with unaddressed traumas and countless tear-filled nights until I finally made the decision to allow God to heal me. All this time, I had thought I was actively pursuing healing, but in reality, I was actually seeking temporary relief.
I wanted God to make the pain go away, to help me forget about my problems and sweep them under the rug. I wanted Him to conceal the monsters lurking in my closet and cover up the cracks. I was seeking a quick fix. I thought that was healing. To me, healing meant looking good on the surface. However, God revealed that my flawed understanding of healing was what prevented me from receiving the true healing I desperately wanted.
I used to think of healing as a one-time event—a sudden transformation. I firmly believe that God has the power to do that. He can heal us instantly. God can also heal us progressively. Recently, God has emphasized the importance of the healing process in my life through intentional self-reflection.
Instead of avoiding the issues that triggered my moments of depression, now I ask myself probing questions. How do I really feel? Is this anger, or is it disappointment masked as anger? Why does this situation affect me in this way? Can I identify a pattern of this in my life? When did it all begin? These questions help me uncover the truth beneath the surface, bringing me closer to the root issues that need addressing. The answers guide my prayers, creating an open space for God to speak His truth—the truth that sets us free.
When we only address what is superficial, our prayers miss the mark. I was so focused on maintaining a pleasant facade and tending to the superficial aspects of my struggle that I neglected the rotten roots beneath. True healing is like going to physical therapy— it’s a rigorous process of stretching and applying pressure to the injured area, building its strength and resilience. True healing is uncomfortable. It unearths things we may have tried to bury and irritates our trigger points.
It is vital to acknowledge that this journey won't be easy. By setting appropriate expectations, we can commit to seeing it through to completion. When we know what to expect, we won't give up when it becomes challenging. True healing may bring to light emotions and memories we have fought hard to bury. I encourage you to face them head-on. It is in embracing the discomfort that true healing and growth can begin.
In my pursuit of healing God showed me my egotistical self. I was unaware that I was holding the weapon and causing injury to myself. Burying my pain seemed to work because it allowed me to avoid negative emotions and the reality that I couldn't control. My ignorant attempts at healing the “aesthetically pleasing” way were a prideful attempt to heal myself.
God has been teaching me - I can’t heal myself, or I would've done it already. Healing is not something that my obsessive planning can accomplish.
The desire for healing comes from God, and therefore, the healing itself is His work to do. My responsibility is to commit to partnering with Him. It's God's strength that works effectively within me (Philippians 2:13).
If you find yourself longing for healing in your own life, I encourage you to start on this journey with an open heart and a willingness to confront the difficult truths within. Take the time to ask yourself the hard questions, seek guidance from God, and allow His strength to work within you. Remember, healing is not something we can accomplish on our own, but it is a collaborative effort between us and our Creator.
Take that first step today. Embrace the process, trust in God's plan, and commit to the partnership of healing. You deserve to experience the freedom and restoration that comes with true healing. Start your journey now and discover the transformative power of God's healing in your life. Seek God's guidance and ask Him to reveal the areas in your life that need healing. Commit to partnering with Him in this process, trusting His strength, and surrendering your struggles to His care. True healing is possible, and with God by your side, you can experience wholeness and restoration.
Pray with me -
Heavenly Father, we thank you for the desire for healing that you have placed in us. We recognize that true healing can only come from You, and we humbly surrender ourselves to Your loving care. Grant us the strength and courage to confront the deep-rooted pain and wounds in our lives that require Your healing touch. Holy Spirit, we invite You to lead our prayers and to illuminate the areas that need to be surrendered to You. May Your presence be a constant source of comfort and guidance as we navigate through the challenges and obstacles that may arise. Lord Jesus, we acknowledge You are the ultimate healer. We trust in Your power to transform our brokenness into wholeness. Grant us the faith to believe that Your healing touch can reach even the deepest parts of our souls.
In the name of Jesus, amen.