To journey is to travel from one place to another. Journeying could also speaks of a long and often difficult process of personal growth and development. But for the believer, this journey does not have to be difficult - because we’re not alone.
On our own planning and preparation for any trip can be a lot. If you’ve ever gone anywhere you know that planning a trip can be stressful. You have to pick the destination, route of travel, and sleeping accommodations. We ask ourselves what'sthe budget? How many sets of clothes do you need to pack? What type of weather are you dressing for? The list goes on and on.
Apply this to personal growth and development and the list is just as long. Setting out on a journey of personal development there are a host of things to take into consideration. What’s the goal? How do we get there? What do we need to take with us? What should we leave behind? On our own we’d need to know what areas need to be strengthened and what areas need to die. We’d need to know what tools to bring with us to be prepared for whatever we face along the way.
I’ve discovered that I don’t know what I really need. Sure I can identify some areas that need development, but there are other areas that without God I would have easily overlooked. We have a tendency to see ourselves in a distorted mirror. It’s much easier to see your strengths than your weakness. It’s much easier to deem ourselves a good person than to see ourselves as wicked and constantly in desperate need of a savior. The truth is there we need more grace and mercy than we could ever imagine.
We can do nothing without him. Acts 17:28 - For in Him we live and move and have our being, as also some of your own poets have said, ‘For we are also His offspring.’
I couldn’t possibly prepare for the journey ahead because I can’t see the future. Only God can see the potholes and construction zones ahead. He is the author of our stories. He already knows the end from the beginning. Our limited vision pales in comparison to what our omnipresent father can see. His navigation system takes into account every possible detour and makes it beautiful.
When journeying with Jesus He sets the course, makes all the accommodations, and brings everything you’ll need along the way. We are not the travel agents of our journey. God is in control. He's the author and the finisher.
God is the one dismantling false identities and replacing them with the truth of what His word says about us. It’s God who gives us new vision to see ourselves through His perfect lens.
While your developing don’t be deceived. It’s not a result of your “hard work", it’s not because you have a great therapist, and it’s not because you have found the secret sauce. Anything we build in our own strength will not last - the fruit of our own yield is rotten. The reason we started this journey, to begin with, is because we are the problem that needs fixing. God is the solution.
If you’re afraid of letting go that's normal & you are not alone. I get scared too, we all do. Anyone who says they aren’t is lying. Fear is an expected human emotion, but it is not a crutch or a landing space. I like to say to myself, feel the feelings but don’t stay there. Personally, I've been learning more things that I’m afraid of & I think that’s a pretty good space to be in. Identifying my fears means I can now give them over to God. I’m laying them at the feet of Jesus where His fire can consume them. I’m making the exchange of fear for more faith.
Finding new fears = finding new spaces for faith to grow
Find comfort in being in the passenger seat. It may take some getting used to, but it makes for a much smoother travel experience. Stop trying to grab the wheel. Know that God is in control. We have to fight the urge to want to control the route, speed, and destination. We are ignorant and God is all-knowing. We don’t know what's best for us. Our heavenly father is not just our savior, he’s also Lord over all. Let God be in control.
Pray with me -
God, we praise you for who you are. You are an omnipotent father. You are the all-knowing God. Your ways are higher than ours. Your plans are perfect. Your vision is endless. Father, we recognize you to be the master strategist who has already taken into account every step along our journey. Helps us to relinquish control and allow you to move in our lives uninhibited. Bring to the forefront of our minds every area we have yet to release to you because of control issues rooted in fear. We come against fear and declare that faith is rising now. Thank you for the faith to trust you when we don’t understand and when we’re afraid. Thank you for faith to stay the course that you are navigating for us. We can do nothing without you. You are in control. We yield to your purpose and plan.
In Jesus’ name, amen.