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In purpose | On purpose

If there's one thing I've always been, it's a planner. Give me a list and a clear roadmap, and I'm ready to tackle anything—my plans even go all the way from A to J. There's comfort in having my ducks lined up neatly, in knowing the details before I set foot on a new path. Or so I thought. Little did I realize, my inclination to plan wasn't just about staying organized; it was rooted in a deeper fear of the unknown. In my eagerness to organize, I found myself attempting to play God in my circumstances, trying to predict the outcomes before even starting the journey.

It was during a season of revelation that God gently unveiled this truth to me. The plans I meticulously constructed were less about order and more about avoiding uncertainty. As I embraced my calling, I found myself waiting. Waiting for the right time, the opportune moment to strike. But here's the thing: there is no "right" time. There is only right now. This very moment is all we truly have, and it's the best time to begin.

So I took a leap, a leap into the unknown, armed with nothing more than what I already knew and what I possessed. It wasn't about perfection; it was about tangible progress. And that's when the transformation began. I realized that I had been seeking validation from others, wanting them to affirm what God had already spoken over me. I was looking for external source to launch me into my next when God was already walking with me and in guiding me in the right direction.

In our journey of faith, it's easy to get caught up in waiting for the perfect moment or seeking external validation before stepping into our purpose. We may find ourselves longing for a clear blueprint, a detailed business plan, or even an outline of our path. However, as believers, our journey is driven by a higher purpose - one that calls us to step out in faith and walk in obedience to God's calling. We are not meant to wait for public affirmation or prophetic words, but rather to embrace the truth that affirmation comes from God Himself. True fulfillment and alignment with our purpose come from walking in obedience, trusting that God has already spoken and is with us every step of the way.


Let’s explore the concept of walking in purpose on purpose, breaking free from fear, and embracing bold obedience.

Affirmation Comes from God:

While it is natural to desire recognition and support, seeking affirmation and validation from others can often hinder our progress. Rather than waiting for public affirmation or a prophetic word, we have to remember that the ultimate affirmation comes from God. He has already spoken to us through His Word and through the still, small voice within our hearts. Our obedience should be immediate, not dependent on external validation. By seeking His guidance and trusting in His plans, we can confidently move forward.

Overcoming Fear:

Fear often hinders us from taking bold steps toward our purpose. It whispers doubts and insecurities, making us feel inadequate or unprepared. While fear may still be a factor in our lives, we must remember that it does not have the final say. Fear does not have the power to limit us unless we let it. When we choose to trust God and His promises, fear loses its grip on us. It becomes a mere factor, but not a limiting force. Walking in purpose requires courage and a willingness to step out of our comfort zones.

God is with Us as We Go:

It is essential to understand that God is with us every step of the way as we pursue our purpose. He does not send us on this journey alone. Even when we can't hear His voice or clear step by step instructions, we can trust that God’s presence is with us. This requires maturity in our faith—to recognize His voice even when He is not audibly speaking and to move forward in obedience, knowing that He is directing our steps.

Lessons Learned from the Bible:

The Bible provides us with numerous examples of people who walked in purpose on purpose. Consider Abram (later known as Abraham), in Genesis 12:1-4 when God called him to leave his homeland and go to a place He would reveal later. Abram didn't wait for a detailed plan or roadmap. Instead, he trusted God and embarked on the journey. His faith and obedience not only strengthened his trust in God but also paved the way for future generations. Abram's willingness to obey God's call without a detailed plan demonstrates bold obedience. Sometimes, God asks us to step out without knowing all the details or outcomes. It is in these moments that our faith is stretched, and we experience the fullness of God's faithfulness.

Process Publicly:

Sometimes, God's plans for us involve a public process. Abram's journey was not hidden; it was witnessed by others. Similarly, our obedience and commitment to our purpose can serve as an encouragement and inspiration to those around us.

Time Waits for No One:

The concept of walking in purpose on purpose reminds us that time is a precious resource. When it comes to walking in purpose, we must choose to act now, utilizing the gifts, talents, and opportunities that God has given us. The moments we have been given should be utilized wisely, making the most of the opportunities God has provided. Our lives are meant to be accounts of what we did with what God gave us, not just a collection of plans and intentions.

Choosing to walk in purpose on purpose requires a paradigm shift in how we approach our lives and callings. It means embracing obedience, trusting in God's affirmation, and overcoming fear. As we learn from the examples in Scripture and the experiences of those who have gone before us, we understand that our journey is not about having a perfect detailed outline. Instead, it is about walking faithfully, step by step, guided by the voice of God and empowered by His presence.

Starting this blog, using my social platforms to share my walk with Jesus and the journey He's set me on, required a faith move. The destination wasn't certain, but my movement was—a movement that yielded progress. I've faced shifts and turns since starting, but I haven't stopped. Stepping into obedience has resulted in fruit, and that fruit is named progress. I can't help but find fulfillment in these obedient steps. Not only am I contributing to establishing the kingdom of Heaven here on earth, but I'm also constantly challenged to remain in a state of consistent progression.

Yes, there are still moments when uncertainty creeps in. Times when I question if I'm doing the right things at the right time, but my Heavenly Father is patient. He doesn't scold me for my doubts. Instead, He invites me to come to Him, just like a child, and lay down my uncertainties. His grace covers it all. He gently reminds me of His promises, His unwavering track record. (Mark 9:24)

Just as He promised Abram to go to a place He would send him, God goes before us, preparing the way and providing the necessary resources and strength. As we step out in faith, we can rely on His guidance and find comfort in His presence. Walking in purpose becomes a collaborative endeavor with the Creator of the universe.

May we all embrace our purpose on purpose, allowing our lives to be a testament to what can be accomplished when we trust in God's plan for us. Let’s be a generation that chooses to walk in purpose, fulfilling our unique calling and leaving a kingdom impact in the world.


Pray with me

Heavenly Father, We come before You with open hearts, seeking to walk in purpose on purpose. We lay aside the need for public affirmation or prophetic words, knowing that true affirmation comes from You alone. Help us to hear Your voice clearly, to recognize Your guidance even when it is silent, and to obey without hesitation. We ask for Your strength and courage to overcome the limitations that fear imposes on us. Let Your perfect love cast out all fear, empowering us to step out boldly into the plans You have for our lives. Just as You led Abram to a place he did not yet know, lead us on the path You have prepared for us. Help us to trust Your leading, even when the way is unclear, and to follow You with unwavering faith. May our lives be a testament to what can be accomplished when we choose to walk in purpose on purpose.

In Jesus’ name amen



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