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Everything is connected

Our God is intentional. He made us intentionally and guides us intentionally. When you're following God, your life is no longer your own.

1 Corinthians 6:19-20 - Do you not know that your bodies are temples of the Holy Spirit, who is in you, whom you have received from God? You are not your own; you were bought at a price. Therefore honor God with your bodies.

While He loves us enough to give us free will, we willingly choose to give the life He gave us back to Him. Cue William McDowell - 'I give myself away.' We most effectively experience a relationship with Christ when we step out of the driver's seat and let Him lead us. When we let God truly be the Lord over our lives, He moves in His strategic ways.

God is not the author of confusion. Everything He does has a purpose. There is no such thing as a coincidence with God; it's always intentional and for a reason. Let's look at these examples in scripture:

  • Joseph and his brothers: In the book of Genesis, Joseph, the son of Jacob, was sold into slavery by his jealous brothers and ended up in Egypt. While there, he interpreted Pharaoh's dream about a coming famine, which led to his appointment as second-in-command, second only to Pharaoh. Years later, during a severe famine, Joseph's brothers came to Egypt seeking food. Through a series of events, Joseph revealed his identity to them and saved his entire family from starvation. God orchestrated these circumstances to preserve the descendants of Abraham and fulfill His promises.

  • Moses and the burning bush: Moses, as a baby, was placed in a basket and left in the Nile River. Pharaoh's daughter found him, and he was raised in the Egyptian royal household. In the book of Exodus, Moses, who had fled Egypt, encountered a burning bush in the wilderness. God spoke to him from the bush and called him to lead the Israelites out of slavery in Egypt. It was the right place and time for Moses to receive this divine calling and fulfill his destiny as the deliverer of God's people.

  • Esther and the deliverance of the Jews: In the book of Esther, the Jewish people faced a threat of extinction by a wicked man named Haman. Esther, a Jewish woman, became queen of Persia, unaware of her people's crisis. However, through a series of events, including her rise to queenship and the uncovering of a plot against the king's life, Esther was in the right place at the right time to intercede for her people and secure their deliverance.

  • The birth of Jesus: In the New Testament, the birth of Jesus is a prime example of God orchestrating events to bring about His plans. Mary and Joseph, who were from the town of Nazareth, were directed by a Roman census to travel to Bethlehem, the city of David, to register. This fulfilled the prophecy that the Messiah would be born in Bethlehem. Jesus' birth in Bethlehem at that specific time was part of God's plan to bring salvation to the world.

These stories highlight how God's guidance can lead people to specific places at specific times to fulfill His greater plans and purposes. God is doing the very same for us. He is nudging us along the path He has laid out for us. Unlike the Bible stories I mentioned earlier, we don't have a finished story, so we can't skip to the end and see how all the little things work together. I can admit that I struggle with wanting to be in control. So sometimes, even though I believe my steps are ordered by God, I have a hard time being content with not knowing the final destination and how to get there. Though God does not owe us any explanation or insight into His decisions, He is gracious enough to speak to us throughout the process.

I know I'm not the only one who has fallen asleep while praying 😂. Well, one night during my quiet time with God, I fell asleep only to be awakened by the answer to my prayer in the form of a song. Not only did I wake up hearing God speak to me through music, but He caused me to awaken as if I had been up for hours. I was wide awake and aware of the fact that He was speaking to me. This has been a consistent theme in my life. I have learned that God will use creative ways to speak to us.

I was always amazed in college that somehow God always managed to align the lessons He was teaching with the courses I was taking. At the time, I didn't realize God was using my everyday experiences to echo His messages to me. One night, after a life-changing conversation with one of my leaders, as I parked on my street, I remember a song coming on that, in that moment was God Himself speaking to me again through music.

Even my move from being a med-surg nurse to being a postpartum nurse was coupled with what God was doing in my life. God had been telling me to be still for years, but during my transition of roles, it became the most prominent message in my life. I had just landed what I thought was my dream job as a maternity nurse but was quickly disappointed to find out that it was not what I imagined.

My old unit was busy, the days flew by, and I enjoyed the challenge. Now in this new position, the pace is much slower and there are days that I can have at little as 1 patient. I missed my old floor but knew this new pace was a God thing for me. & He confirmed this to me directly. I was sitting in the viewing room overlooking the Hudson River on my new unit at work and God told me I had to bring you to the water to be next to me, to be still. On top of that, I had conversations with friends and counselors that were clearly God's voice saying again the same things.

Now I’ve been learning to look for God everywhere. He is not limited to the “obvious” spiritual means we may have been used to like sermons and prophets. In Numbers 22:21-35, God used a donkey to communicate with Balaam and prevent him from speaking a curse against the Israelites. I think because we hear this story so often we diminish the magnitude of this miraculous work of God. He used a literal donkey, an animal, to speak and protect the Israelites. There is no end to the ways God can speak to us. It could be a donkey, a song, a friend, a pastor, and much more than could imagine.

Do not be surprised or consider it strange when you witness the hand of God working in your life through unconventional ways. I urge you to take a step back and reflect on your journey with God. Examine the testimonies and experiences you have encountered up to this very moment. Break free from the confines of limited expectations regarding how God can communicate with you. His presence knows no boundaries or restrictions, and every aspect of your life is intricately linked to His divine plan.

Romans 8:28 - And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him.

Pray with me -

We come before You with hearts full of gratitude and awe for Your intentional and purposeful ways. You are the orchestrator of our lives, guiding us on the path You have laid out for us. Open our eyes and ears to recognize Your voice, whether it be through a song, a friend, or even an encounter with you. You move strategically and purposefully, weaving all the little things together for our good. Thank You for using our experiences and circumstances to echo Your messages in our hearts. May we be attentive and receptive to Your voice, even in the midst of our busy lives. We place our trust in Your divine plan and surrender ourselves fully to Your leading.

In Jesus’ name, amen.



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