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Tools for the Gifted

Acknowledging and embracing the gift is only the tip of the iceberg. Underneath the surface, there are different things we encounter that can easily become hindrances if not equipt with the strategies of heaven. I believe it is pivotal for us to address them head-on to continue journeying with Jesus in the way that pleases our heavenly father. Let us actively seek God’s guidance on how to keep our minds and emotions regulated while facing the hard things. I have highlighted 5 areas that every believer operating in their gifts should evaluate. I pray it’s helpful for you - it definitely recalibrated me.

1. Motivation – What is your why? Who are you doing it for? Who sent you?

  • Before we begin working in our calling it is important to identify what is the purpose or motivation behind the working in our giftings. Motives can either energize or deplete the work we are doing. Motives reveal the heart. It’s essential to evaluate if you working for the applause of men and fleeting clout, or if you’re truly working for the Father in Heaven. Our motivation is linked to whatever is our source of strength. Your motive is what fuels you. It’s what will keep you from quitting when things get tough.

  • All humans are flawed and unreliable. It doesn’t matter who it is, people will fail you. Jesus’ life as a man was perfect and without sin. He was good in every way, yet still, the people went from shouting hosanna and singing his praises to shouting stone him 3 days later. Jesus was motivated to obey and fulfill the will of the Father. Recalibrate to be tuned to the will of the father. & abide there.

  • Exodus 20:3 - You shall have no other Gods before me

  • Matthew 6:24 - No one can serve two masters. Either you will hate the one and love the other, or you will be devoted to the one and despise the other...

  • Colossians 3:23 - Whatever you do, work at it with all your heart, as working for the Lord, not for human masters,

2. Rejection - Not everyone will choose you, support you, like you, love you, or support you.

  • Embracing the gift does not mean everyone will embrace you. Like Jesus, we will experience rejection. Apart of guarding your heart includes setting the right expectations. Expect to be rejected. Expect to be overlooked and undervalued. Prepare for it. Failing to prepare, is preparing to fail.

  • Rejection can come in many forms. Sometimes rejection is a lack of support from those we thought were in our corners. Other times rejection can be direct attacks against you or what you stand for. Don’t take it personally. If you successfully checked your motives in step one you’ve already implemented a protective measure against rejection. Knowing who sent you reminds you of who’s opinion really matters. The ones we encounter along the way may have thoughts, feelings, and opinions. Good for them - they’re entitled to it. But whether those thoughts, feelings, or opinions whether good or bad does not matter. My motivation is to please my father. He’s the only well-done we need.

  • John 15:18 - If the world hates you, remember that it hated me first.

  • Luke 10:16 - Then he said to the disciples, “Anyone who accepts your message is also accepting me. And anyone who rejects you is rejecting me. And anyone who rejects me is rejecting God, who sent me.

  • Matthew 10:40 - He who receives you receives Me, and he who receives Me receives Him who sent Me

3. Audience - You may be rejected by some, but certainly not all. There is a people set apart, waiting for you.

  • People are waiting on your obedience to the call. Had it not been for the obedience of those before me, my life would look very different. It’s impossible to know the insecurities or fears of those who poured into me, but they are human so it’s reasonable to assume there may have been a few. I thank God that despite the discouragement they may have faced they preserved. No man is an island. I needed those people. I still need people. & now that we have embraced the gift and call of God there are people who need us. Don’t let the idea of rejection prevent you from stepping out on faith. God does not give purposeless gifts. There is a purpose beyond the personal benefits attached to your obedience to the gift.

  • We read of countless stories in the bible that display how the obedience of one created a domino effect that impact many after them. Moses’ obedience led to the freedom of the Israelites. Joshua obeyed and led the children of Israel into the promised land. The ultimate example is Jesus - who was despised, rejected, and brutally murdered. Despite the rejection of many, despite the promise of a gruesome death, and despite the betrayal of friends - Jesus submitted to the will of the Father and fulfilled his assignment on earth. His obedience led to our freedom. People are depending on you to obey.

  • The audience may be looking at you but they should see the father. The people you are called to are not yours, they belong to God. Our job is the exalt the Father, and His job is to draw men unto Him, not us.

  • John 12:32 - and I be lifted up from the earth, I will draw all men unto me.

  • Matthew 5:16 - In the same way, let your light shine before others, that they may see your good deeds and glorify your Father in heaven.

4. Validation - comes from God. not men.

  • Like motivation, validation comes from the Lord. Romans 8:35-39 teaches us that nothing and no one can separate us from the love of God. His love is freely given because He is good, not because we earned it. There is nothing we could ever do for God to not love us. Whether I am skilled, impressive, or viral nothing I can do will make Him love me more. Even when I miss the mark, fumble the ball, or make conscious repetitive mistakes, God’s love never wavers. Find your validation in the fact that you are loved endlessly. Find your validation in the fact that you were called by God to this. We’ve been entrusted with our gifts. God trusted me enough to give this to me. If the almighty God believes in me, I believe in me too.

  • You may be familiar with the passage in Matthew 3:1-17 where Jesus was baptized in the river of Jordan. Notice that before Jesus performed any miracles or did any great works God the Father publicly validated Him. Matthew 3:17 -and behold, a voice from heaven said, “This is my beloved Son, with whom I am well pleased. You are validated before even begin to work. Simply because you are a daughter or a son of the most high God. Nothing tops that.

  • It’s actually pride that questions the decisions of the Father. To accept any other narrative than what the supreme one declares is to exalt your ways, thoughts, and opinions above His is prideful. If he said it, believe it.

5. Yield - Patience is required, not recommended. Keep sowing and nurturing.

  • There is a process to everything. Seeds go through a cycle of germination to ultimately produce a fruit. A pregnant woman goes through the full 9-month gestational period (hopefully) before bringing life into the world. Our gifts are first realized, then pruned, then developed until it reaches its full manifestation. Good things take time. Wherever you are in the process of walking in your gift and calling, there is Holy. God is glorified in every step of our process if we yield to Him. It’s not about reaching the final destination, otherwise there would be no need for a process. It’s about trusting God. It’s about going from faith to faith, and glory to glory. At every level there is more to learn, more ways to grow, and more of God to be revealed. There is purpose here, there, and everywhere. Yield, watch, and wait. Trust the timing of the Lord.

  • Galatians 6:9 – Let us not become weary in doing good, for at the proper time we will reap a harvest if we do not give up.

Thank God for the grace to fall and get back up. Proverbs 24:16 says, “For a righteous man falls seven times, and rises again, But the wicked stumble in time of disaster and collapse”. If you fall, get back up. If you forget, be reminded. Despite what you face, just keep swimming.

Pray with me -

God, we thank you for being a good father who gives good gifts. As we embrace the gifts and callings you have assigned to us, help us to keep you as the source, motivation, and message. We destroy all altars that we have erected in your place - even if we are an idol in our own lives. We crown you again as our only King. We thank you for the tools and strategies to handle rejection. Remind us that our validation only comes from you. Keep us from becoming enamored with the praises of people. Keep us humble in the position of the servants who lead from a low place. We agree with heaven’s timing and agenda. Give us the grace to be patient and endure. You will complete what you have begun in us. Thank you for increasing our faith.

In Jesus’ name, amen.



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